Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Best Online Sports Betting Site

Best Online Sports Betting Site
Gray: Betfair brand ambassador
Sports bettors can often be found comparing the odds offered on sporting contests at different online sports betting sites. It can make a tremendous difference in the amount of money won by scanning several sites and choosing the one that offers the best odds on a particular game on which you'd like to place a wager. Bettors who do not take advantage of odds or point spread differences among the huge variety of betting sites found online are missing out on maximizing value.

When the discussion turns to ascertaining which sites are the absolute best for online sports betting, it is often an individual preference by bettors as to which site or sites they may prefer to do their wagering. The reasons for choosing one site over another may be many and may include such simplicity as a particular site employing software and graphics that allow for ease of navigation throughout the site's many betting options on particular games or contests. Nothing is worse than wanting to place a wager and logging onto a site and experiencing difficulty in finding the sport or information that one is looking for.

Sports bettors, typically known as a shrewd bunch, are always looking for value and the best values for wagering are often found at betting exchanges as opposed to traditional online sportsbooks that employ bookmakers. Betting exchanges allow bettors to set and accept odds offered by other bettors without using the services of a bookmaker. All that is required to place a wager is to find another bettor willing to lay against or choose the opposite of your preferred bet. This exchange of betting normally allows bettors to acquire better odds on various contests than would be found at your run-of-the-mill bookmaking site.

For this reason, many bettors will tell you that the best online sports betting sites are betting exchanges such as Betfair that have done away with bookmakers and have allowed bettors to set the particular odds that they would be willing to accept on a sporting event or contest. Betfair has calculated the odds offered at its site in comparison to traditional online sports betting sites and has found that the odds available at its betting exchange average roughly 20 percent better than the other online sites. Sports bettors looking for the best value on their wagers would be remiss not to look at and compare the odds found at betting exchanges with those of typical online sportsbooks.

The best online sports betting site is one in which you feel comfortable placing wagers and can also get the most for your money with the best odds available on the market. And since the best odds can be found at betting exchanges, that is where the successful bettors often go to maximize value on their wagers. If you have yet to try wagering at betting exchanges, it wouldn't hurt to do your own odds comparison shopping between traditional online sports betting sites and betting exchanges. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that your wagers at betting exchanges will often allow for an increase in the value of your bets, thereby putting more money in your pocket on your winning wagers.


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